8 Scientifically Proven Study Hacks To Get You Through An Online Exam : 2024.

Are you looking for the best way to get ready and prepare for the soon upcoming exam that will take place online? I have carefully curated some study hacks to get you through an online exam.

I believe that these are the most important tips and guidelines you need to succeed.

As someone who has had the experience of taking online exams, I will also help you dish out those working strategies I have implemented which have helped me during my own time of taking online exams.


After carefully following up with everything you are going to learn here, believe me, you will get excellent results after taking the online exam.

Nowadays, as technology is ruling the world, it also creates an avenue for people to take their exams online visually.

Study hacks to get you through an online examStudy Hacks To Get You Through An Online Exam

Without wasting much time let’s go direct to those study hacks to get you through an online exam.

Implement the use of online learning resources 

Implementing online learning resources means making use of those online tools which was made available to aid learning.

These online learning resources will help you greatly in preparing for the exam and also enhance your learning skills.


Examples of the online learning resources you can make use of include the following

  • YouTube
  • Forum
  • Educational websites
  • Microsoft word
  • Google Docs etc.

Some of these examples can help you learn eg YouTube, forums, and educational websites. While others will help you in jotting down some valuable information or important keywords.

You don’t have to spend much money before making use of online resources, you can get some at an affordable price while others are completely free.

With the use of these resources, you can go long in preparing for your online exam.

Seek for past questions of the online exam

If you are passionate about knowing the study hacks to get you through an online exam, try making use of the past questions and answers of the online exam.

This is one of the study hacks you won’t afford to miss.

Almost every student that passed their online exam implemented this method, by accessing the past questions of the exam.

With this, you can some knowledge of how to channel your learning and preparation strategies so that you won’t end up spending your in studying what is not related to the exam or what is not going to appear on the exam.

The purpose of studying and preparing for the online exam is to get the knowledge of what is likely to occur, you can achieve this 85% by accessing and going through the past questions and answers of the particular exam you are about to take.

Read more: 13 Study skills for Successful students 

Seek more knowledge from past participants of the exam.

You need those study hacks to help you pass your upcoming exam right? Now try getting more knowledge from those students who previously took the exam.

Reach out to them and ask them certain questions regarding how they saw the exam.

Try to find out from them those parts they find more difficult and those parts of the exam they find simple.

Try to know from them how they prepared themselves which led to their success in the exam.

By asking them these questions you will be able to get deep insight from the horse’s mouth, which will help you to improve more or correct you on those areas you are not doing rightly.

Getting information from past participants of the online exam is one of the core study hacks to get you through an online exam.

Get rid of any form of distraction from your device.

One of the biggest challenges students face with the phone is been distracted by their device, the device is very useful but it can sometimes be a distraction to students studying online if they don’t manage it with discipline.

One of the Study hacks to get you through an online exam is getting rid of distractions from your device. 

Try as much as possible to get out of those distractions that come from your phone when you are Studying and preparing.

After getting rid of those distractions your attention can no longer be twerted, you will be able to focus and learn Effectively for the upcoming online exam.

Time management tools and techniques 

This aspect should not be neglected if you wish to succeed in the upcoming exam.

Properly make use of good time management, it will help you to go a long way in your preparations.

There are a lot of time management tools and techniques you can make use of which will help you to accomplish your dream of getting prepared for the exam.

Taking about time management you make use of an alarm to effectively manage your time of studies.

Also in techniques, there are different techniques you can implement, but if you find it hard to come up with your unique techniques then you can make use of the popular one used by my students who are passionate about their studies.

This popular time management technique has by many is called Pomodoro, this have been helpful to many individuals including myself.

The only thing involved in following this technique is to follow it with discipline because if you don’t follow it with discipline you may likely end up without achieving any result.

Close unnecessary tabs from your device

When it’s time for you to focus on your studies it is recommended that you close any tabs on your disce that are unrelated to what you are about step in.

It is better to close the tab to avoid running into it when you want to do some research concerning a topic 

If you leave the tab open you might find yourself going through the tab to take a pip, from taking a pip you might spend 5 minutes there, from 5 minutes it can turn to 15 minutes or more then you can decide to give up on your studies and deeply go through on what is on the tab thereby causing distraction to yourself.

That’s why it is recommended to close any unnecessary tabs before using your device to learn or study online.

Turn off your internet connection when you are not making use of it.

This is one of those tips I found helpful, you can turn off your internet connection when you are not using it to do research or for any learning purpose.

When the data or Internet connection is turned on, you will receive notifications either from social media or other resources which might act as a distraction to your studies.

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You can make use of a separate device 

If possible make use of a separate device just for studying purposes.

If you find out that your device is occupied it will cause serious distraction when you are studying and making preparation for the upcoming online exam.

The best thing you can do to help yourself out of it is to use another device that is less occupant and won’t cause you distractions.

Eg. If you notice that your device is occupied with dating apps or gaming apps and you might be tempted to go through it if you make use of the particular device while learning, then there’s a need to make use of another available device.

With this, you can fully focus all your attention without getting distracted.

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Challenges / Overcoming common challenges of online exams

Some challenges are likely to occur during the exam, I will identify some of them and also give you tips to overcome those challenges so that you will succeed in the exam.

Online exam challenges 

Internet problem: A bad network might occur during the exam, which can cause the participant to miss the exam or have some delays.

Technical issues: technical issues from the exam host may occur which can lead to crashes, some errors, or delay the exam.

There are many of the errors but I have to take just a few of them.

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Overcoming those challenges

Ensure that you have a strong internet connection, if you notice that your area lacks a proper internet connection then at the the of the exam move to the location that has a strong internet connection.

The exam host to ensure that they properly monitor their servers and run some maintenance on them before hosting the online exam so that everything will just work smoothly.

Wrapping up

I believe you have gotten enough study hacks to get you through an online exam, I will be glad to hear that this piece of content really helped you in one way or the other.


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