LLM Masters Of Law Scholarship Uk

This innovative two-year LLM in International Corporate Law and Governance with Solicitors Practice is the first of its kind, offering a structured career path to becoming a solicitor in England and Wales.

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which oversees solicitor training and qualification, has implemented the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) as the new standard for solicitor qualification. This LLM programme is designed to address this requirement, providing a distinct pathway to prepare for the SQE.

The LLM includes specialized preparatory modules (SQE1 Legal Theory & Solicitors Practice, and SQE2 Legal Theory & Solicitors Practice) that offer targeted one-on-one support to help you excel in both the SQE1 and SQE2 exams.


This programme provides a comprehensive legal education, combining rigorous academic training with practical legal and transferable skills. It enhances your legal, academic, and clinical competencies throughout the course.

You will be taught by academic experts and practicing lawyers who integrate real-world legal experience into the curriculum. This ensures you graduate as a capable and reflective practitioner, ready to qualify as a solicitor in England and Wales.

As a student, you’ll collaborate with experienced staff in our Law Clinic, gaining hands-on experience that enhances your employability and contributes to the two-year Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) mandated by the SRA for solicitor qualification in England and Wales.

Upon completing the LLM International Corporate Law and Governance with Solicitors Practice, you will have:

  • Acquired in-depth knowledge in areas such as International Company and Corporate Governance Law, International Competition Law, International Commercial Contracts and E-commerce, International Commercial Dispute Resolution, International Law of Taxation, and International Insolvency Law.
  • Studied for and passed the SQE1, an essential step toward qualifying as a solicitor in England and Wales.
  • Prepared for the SQE2, ready to sit the exam after completing your studies.
  • Gained invaluable work experience through our Law Clinic, contributing to the two-year QWE required to qualify as a solicitor.

Entry Requirements

  • A UK 2:2 (or above) degree or an equivalent internationally recognized qualification in any discipline from an accredited higher education institution. More details can be found in our international section.

English Language Requirements

  • IELTS: 6.5 overall, with no sub-test below 5.5.
  • If you do not meet the IELTS requirement but have a UKVI-approved IELTS, you can take a pre-sessional English course at the University of Bradford. Refer to the Language Centre for more details. For additional information, please see the international entry requirements page.

What You Will Study

The LLM programme consists of 280 credits, divided into core and optional modules. Students will complete 120 credits in Year 1 and 160 credits in Year 2, with each academic year split into two semesters.

  • Year 1: Enroll in the core SQE1 Legal Theory & Solicitors Practice module and the Law Clinic 1 module. Select two optional modules in International Corporate Law and Governance, one per semester, totaling 120 credits. Pass the SQE1 assessment at the end of the year.
  • Year 2: Enroll in the SQE2 Legal Theory & Solicitors Practice module, the Law Clinic 2 module, and the Dissertation module. Choose two additional optional modules in International Corporate Law and Governance, one per semester, ensuring they are different from those studied in Year 1. Sit for the SQE2 assessment at the year’s end.

Learning and Assessment

Most modules incorporate interactive lectures, tutorials, and seminars, with independent study being a crucial component. Support is provided through reading lists, suggested resources, and our Virtual Learning Environment.

Regular contact hours and informal feedback from tutors are integral to the course. Assessments combine coursework and formal exams at the end of each semester.

Note that the SQE is assessed independently, with exams taken at designated centers in England and Wales.

Throughout your studies, you will receive support from the law school’s personal learning coaches, particularly for SQE preparation and work in the Law Clinic.

Additionally, you will have opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities such as mock trials and moots in our Lady Hale Court Room. Volunteering opportunities, court visits, external speakers, and social events organized by the Student Law Society further enrich your experience.

With the support of our Careers Service, you can obtain career mentoring and work experience through our connections with regional legal, business, and nonprofit communities.

Fees, Finance, and Scholarships

Tuition Fee

  • Home students: £6,174 per year over 2 years.
  • International students: £15,690 per year over 2 years.

Additional Costs

While not essential, there may be additional costs associated with your studies. More information can be found in our fees and finance section.

Financial Support

Visit our fees and financial support section for details on financial aid.


Numerous scholarships are offered annually to UK, EU, and international students based on academic excellence, personal circumstances, or economic hardship. For complete details, visit the scholarships section.

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