Learn Hausa Online For Free And Become An Expert Within 1-3 Months. 

Do you want to become an expert in writing and speaking the Hausa language? Relax you can learn Hausa online for free of charge without spending much.

For more connections, business opportunities, and swift running of businesses in the northern part of Nigeria, learning the Hausa language is very essential and crucial.  

I’m here to guide you and give you some tips that will help you rapidly learn the Hausa language so that within the space of 1-3 months you will become an expert.


Benefits of Learning Hausa Language learn Hausa online for free

The benefits associated with learning the Hausa language are numerous.

These are the benefits

Personal Growth

Learning different languages including Hausa is one of the ways to develop yourself and increase your efficiency. 

If you are concerned about developing yourself intellectually and cultural competence, then you can learn Hausa online for free because of its attribution to your personal growth.


For Career Opportunities

Learning the Hausa language creates career opportunities for people.

After Successfully learning and mastering the language it can bring them the following opportunities.

  • News Editor in the Hausa language
  • Teaching the Hausa language to learners visually or in a physical location.
  • Becoming an online Hausa-language customer service provider to companies that need the service. Etc.

This leads to more business opportunities

As a business-oriented Individual, one of the reasons you will benefit from learning the Hausa language is getting more business connections and Opportunities.

The northern part of Nigeria is where agricultural-related business moves well, to have more flow of business conversation with those farmers it is highly recommended to learn the Hausa language.

Connect and make friends with people 

With the Hausa language, you can make lots of friends both on social media and any place you find yourself with Hausa people.

If you are the kind of individual who likes connecting with people of different tribes and cultures, you can learn Hausa online for free to help you foster your social and tribal connections.

Enhance Communication

Learning how to speak the Hausa language will enable you to have flow communication whenever you are in the midst of people speaking the Hausa language.

Be it in a club, business center, or religious activities. etc.

It will help you not to feel lost among Hausa-speaking people because you can vividly speak and understand the Hausa language.

Cultural awareness

Speaking the Hausa language will help you to learn and understand some valuable cultures of the Hausa people. Etc.

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Learn Hausa online for free / learning Hausa language for beginners

If you want to learn the Hausa Language online free of charge, there are some steps you need to follow so that you will achieve your aim.

To learn hausa online for free these are some of the steps to follow.

Making Use of Hausa Language Learning Websites and Blogs

One of the ways to learn the Hausa language free of charge is by making use of online websites and blogs.

Some good people dedicated their time to writing and teaching people the Hausa Language on their website free of charge.

You can visit this website as often as you want to learn the Hausa language.

Examples of websites and blogs you can visit for Hausa language learning include the following

  • HausaDictionary: this is a website where you will be able to translate any Hausa words to English to get and fully understand the meaning of the word.

This website is completely free of charge, with this it can help to make your Hausa learning journey easier and simpler.

Visit HausaDictionary now.

  • Livelingua: Do you want to learn both the practical and theoretical aspects of the Hausa Language?

Here is the right platform that will assist you.

With live lingua, you will be able to learn the audio aspect of the Hausa Language and also its theory aspect of reading.

To learn Hausa online for free, make use of liveliness you will be amazed at how fast you are advancing.

Thousands of learners are making use of livelingua to learn Hausa, also you can download some free pdf of Hausa language courses to study offline anytime you want.

To make use of livelingua visit here.

Other websites you can make use of include.

  • Teachyourselfhausa

The Use of Hausa Language Tutors and Online Classes

Making use of online classes will help foster your Hausa language learning.

It can be a live video or audio chat where learners can join to learn the language.

To help you get started I’m going to show you some online classes you can join to learn Hausa.

  • Hausaguru: Hausaguru is one of the websites to book online classes for learning hausa.

One thing with hausaguru is their services are never free but they offer quality services to their learners.

You can visit them today to book your online course with them.

Making use of Hausa Language Learning Videos and YouTube Channels

With these free videos on YouTube can see how each word is written together with its tune, a lot of beginners learning the Hausa language are making YouTube channels.

Some people dedicated their YouTube channel to teaching people how to learn the Hausa language free of charge.

Examples of YouTube channels for hausa learning are.

  • Segun Obayendo Foundation:

A non-governmental YouTube channel dedicated to learning different languages. Igbo, Hausa, and Yoruba.

  • Learn the Hausa language:

for learning the Hausa language including Hausa culture.

  • Naijafied

A dedicated YouTube channel for the Hausa language, Culture, food, etc.

There are many YouTube channels but I just listed a few of them.

Making Use of Hausa Language Learning Apps and Resources

Making use of Apps is considered one of the easiest ways to Learn Hausa online for free, because of the usefulness features it has.

Many Hausa learners today make use of An app which has aided them greatly in grabbing the language.

The below apps can help you to learn Hausa free of charge. 

  • Duolingo
  • English Hausa dictionary. etc.

These apps will surely help a lot in learning the Hausa language.

After following up with the above steps you will find yourself becoming an expert in the Hausa language Within the space of 1-3 months.

Tips for Practicing and Improving Hausa Language Skills

For more success in learning and improving your skills in the Hausa language, there are some practices you need to follow.

They include the following


  • Reading and writing daily in the Hausa Language:

As someone passionate about learning the Hausa language, to improve more on your learning, reading, and writing in Hausa daily will surely improve your skills.

You can do this for a complete 3 months non-stoping and you will surely testify on how far you have gone.

  • Joining online Hausa communities.

One of the rapid ways to learn Hausa, start joining Hausa-speaking communities on social media.

You can join their Facebook groups and pages, WhatsApp groups, Twitter handles, etc.

  • Watching Hausa movies:

This sounds fun but I bet you it will surely help your skill in terms of speech and addressing in Hausa languages.

  • Listening to Hausa music’s:

This will surely help you.


  • Hausa Language Games and Interactive Activities

you can start engaging yourself with online games that will help you foster Hausa language learning 

Following up these steps properly will surely result in something good.

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How long does it take to learn about hausa

Averagely it takes 3-6 months to Hausa language but it may take longer or shorter depending on how serious and focused you are.

To some people, it may take them 1-3yrs to fully understand and learn Hausa while to others it may take them just 3-6 months.

However, if you are very focused on learning Hausa you may learn it within 1-3 months. 

how to learn Hausa online

To learn Hausa online for free you have to get started with the available free resources online, you can start by making use of YouTube, websites blogs, etc.

They will surely help you to kickstart your Hausa language learning.

Is Hausa difficult to learn

The Hausa language is never difficult to learn, and with the available free resources online everything has been made easier for learning the Hausa language.

however, as someone who is newly getting started, you may find it difficult at first but as you advance in the process, you will surely find out that the Hausa language is not hard to learn.

Is Hausa easy to learn

Yes, Hausa is easy to learn it is one of the easiest languages to learn in Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

The available free resources have simplified the process of learning Hausa.


Just believe in yourself that you can learn Hausa then work it out with the tips we have listed above.

Everything we have listed above will help you to learn Hausa online for free, if you passionately follow up with the above teachings within 1-3 months you will become an expert in speaking and writing the Hausa language.


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