How To Find And Apply For Hotel Customer Service Remote Jobs

 Discover those available hotel customer service remote jobs you can perform from your home and get paid for.

Are you a student or a sit-at-home mom looking to work from a home job? This is an opportunity for you to get employed remotely.

This content will give you detailed guidance to achieve your aim of getting employed remotely with good salaries.


Hotel customer service remote jobshotel customer service remote jobs

These types of hotel remote services allow workers to provide some assistance and support to hotel guests virtually without them coming in contact.

It is one of the ways to make hotel guests feel more comfortable.

Types of Hotel Customer Support Remote Jobs 

These are some examples of hotel customer service remote jobs that can be done remotely following.

  • Social Media Coordinator

Responsible for managing the hotel’s social media handles eg. Facebook page, Twitter account, etc.

The social media coordinator will be responding to people’s questions and inquiries regarding the hotel.


Also, he will be posting everything related to the hotel.

  • Reservation Agent

A reservation Agent communicates with guests online through phone calls, emails, etc for room bookings, space reservations, and for any booking reservation to guests.

  • Guest Experience Specialist

This type of hotel customer service is responsible for communicating with hotel guests online through messaging, audio calls, or video calls to know how comfortable the guests are feeling during their stay in the hotel.

Guest experience specialist ensures that hotel guests have a good experience with the hotel by ensuring that the guests are not lacking anything or that everything inside the guest room is working perfectly. Etc.

Read more: Customer Service Remote Part-time Jobs 

Hotel Remote customer service skills

These skills are essential for the employees to carry out their hotel customer support work more effectively without causing any damage.

  • Excellent Communication

Being able to speak fluently so that guests can hear and understand them clearly without much difficulty.

  • Solution providing:

the employee should be able to bring solutions to whatever issue the guest is encountering.

  • Tolerance:

Must be able to tolerate people’s behavior so that there will be no conflict between him and customers during communication.

  • Fast response

Must be able to respond to guests’ messages on time without any delays.

Additionally, it is very recommendable for a hotel customer service worker working remotely to have a Perfect working device with a strong internet connection to enhance and make his work more smooth.

Read more: Amazon remote jobs: A Comprehensive Guidance

Hotel customer service salary

Averagely the salary of a hotel customer service worker ranges from $30-$100 monthly or weekly payment.

Also, The salary varies based on many factors such as.

  • Skill required for the job
  • Experience of the employee
  • Size of the hotel. Etc.

Hotel Customer Service in Kenya

Are you searching for hotel customer service in Kenya? Below are some of the jobs available.

  • Royal Service Agent at Fairmont Hotels & Resorts.
  • Provision of Hotel Services Conference Facilities and Accommodation Services

For more available hotel customer service jobs visit here

Hotel customer service overnight jobs

These are the types of hotel customer service that work mostly during the night hours.

Examples of these jobs include the following

  • Security Officer: To protect the guests during the night so that the hotel vicinity will be secured, security officers also ensure that all the vehicles and cars of the hotel guests are protected.
  •  Night Call Center Representative

Responsible for handling and answering calls from their guests during the night.

Eg. The guest may call to report some issues during the night, it’s the duty of a night call representative to answer and respond to the call.

Available job Opportunities for hotel customer service overnight jobs 

  • Night Service Rep Part Time-103020
  • Guest Service Agent

For more available jobs visit here.

How to Find and Apply for Remote Hotel Customer Service Jobs

As someone in search of hotel customer service remote jobs, there are some required steps you need to follow so that you will be able to find the jobs you are looking for.

 I will show those important steps to follow for Successful hotel remote job employment.


  • Start making Research

The first step to take is dedicating time to research concerning some available remote hotel customer service jobs, you can do this research on Google or Bing.

I believe your coming to this website is the first step to take.

You can make use of the following websites to search for remote jobs



FlexJobs. Etc.


  • Update your LinkedIn profile

This is one of the important steps for Most people searching for remote jobs, you have to have your details information on LinkedIn professionally.

  • Visit the hotel’s website

You have to do this by yourself, you can visit the websites of different hotels, write to them, and make your intention of seeking remote customer service known to them. They might hire you if there’s any vacancy for it.

  • Pay a visit to the physical location.

 Just visit some hotels in their locations and ask if there is any remote customer service job available for the moment.

Read more: A job that you need a license to do (17 online and offline jobs)

The above are steps for finding hotel remote jobs

Now, let’s discuss how to apply for it.

After you have successfully located the right remote job for yourself, the next step is applying for it.

Follow these steps for the application


  • Submit your application

In submitting your Application make it look more professional, also provide the exact details required by the employer.

Then submit them on the hotel’s website and wait for an interview.

  • Preparing for the interview.

After your application has been received and approved they may schedule to have an interview with you. 

Then prepare very well for the interview because how you perform during the interview will determine if they will offer the job to you or not.

This is just Everything on how to find and apply for hotel customer service remote jobs. 

After Successfully following up the above steps you will surely get the hotel remote job you are looking for.

Technology and Tools Used in Remote Hotel Customer Service Roles.

Some of the technology and Tools needed to effectively carry out the remote hotel job include.

  • Strong internet connection:

This is highly needed, a strong internet connection is one of the technology needed by the employee to deliver his work smoothly.


  • Good working devices

 eg phone or laptop

As an employee you must have a good working device, it’s a must-have for smooth work delivery without lagging.

  • Survey and Feedback Tools: this is a technology tool for collecting feedback from hotel guests to know their experience with the hotel, and what they like and dislike about the hotel.

this feedback will help to improve the performance of the hotel, this is usually designed by the hotel management.


  • Reservation and Booking Systems

This is a tool that will help guests to book reservations through online means.

  • Ticketing Systems:

This is a tool that allows hotel guests to ask questions, make inquiries, and do other stuff they would like to know.

Immediately after they create this ticket, one of the hotel’s remote customer service will attend to them and answer the questions.

  • Social Media platforms:

A technology for publicly connecting and interacting with different people who are interested in the hotel.

Read more: Landing the Perfect Office Assistant Job in Canada

Top Companies Offering Remote Hotel Customer Service Positions

Are you in search of those legit companies that offer hotel customer service remote jobs, Consider the following companies.

  • Indeed
  • Hilton Worldwide
  • LinkedIn. Etc.


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