Graduate Award Competition 2024

The Graduate Award Competition 2024 (GAC) at the University of Calgary stands as a beacon of academic excellence and innovation, celebrating the achievements and potential of graduate students across various fields. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and complex, the role of highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals is more crucial than ever. This prestigious competition not only recognizes outstanding academic and research accomplishments but also encourages students to push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to the global community.

The Significance of the Graduate Award Competition

Held annually, the Graduate Award Competition aims to promote and reward scholarly excellence among graduate students. It provides a platform for students to showcase their research, gain recognition, and receive financial support to further their studies. Open to students from all disciplines, including the sciences, humanities, social sciences, and arts, the competition reflects the diverse nature of graduate education.

One of the primary objectives of the competition is to underscore the importance of research and innovation in addressing contemporary challenges. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, environmental crises, and social upheavals, the contributions of young scholars are invaluable. The competition seeks to identify and support those who are not only excelling academically but are also committed to making a positive impact on society.


 Selection Process After Application.

The Graduate Award Competition 2024 follows a rigorous application and selection process to ensure that only the most deserving candidates are recognized. The process begins with the submission of a detailed application, including a research proposal, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. The research proposal is a critical component, as it outlines the applicant’s intended study, methodology, and potential contributions to the field.

Once the applications are submitted, a panel of esteemed judges, comprising professors, researchers, and industry experts, reviews each submission. The evaluation criteria include the originality and significance of the research, the applicant’s academic achievements, the feasibility of the proposed study, and the potential for future impact. The judges also consider the candidate’s overall commitment to their field and their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.

The selection process is highly competitive, with only a small percentage of applicants receiving awards. This ensures that the recipients represent the highest standards of academic and research excellence. Those selected are awarded financial grants, which can be used to cover tuition fees, research expenses, and other related costs. Additionally, awardees receive mentorship and networking opportunities, providing them with valuable support and guidance as they advance in their careers.

Impact and Benefits of the Competition

Winning a Graduate Award is a significant achievement that can have a profound impact on a student’s academic and professional trajectory. The recognition and financial support provided by the award can open doors to further opportunities, including advanced research positions, collaborations with leading experts, and placements in prestigious institutions. For many students, this award serves as a stepping stone to a successful career in academia, industry, or public service.

Moreover, the competition fosters a culture of excellence and innovation within academic institutions. By recognizing and rewarding outstanding research, the competition encourages other students to strive for similar achievements. It also highlights the importance of graduate education and research in solving real-world problems, promoting a greater appreciation for scholarly pursuits.


The competition also has broader societal benefits. The research conducted by award recipients often addresses critical issues such as climate change, healthcare, social justice, and technological advancements. By supporting these scholars, the competition contributes to the generation of new knowledge and solutions that can improve the quality of life for people around the world. In this way, the Graduate Award Competition 2024 is not only an investment in individual students but also in the future of society as a whole.

Notable Winners and Their Contributions

Over the years, the Graduate Award Competition has produced numerous notable winners who have gone on to make significant contributions to their fields. These individuals serve as inspiring examples of what can be achieved with dedication, hard work, and the right support.

One such example is Dr. Emily Chen, a biochemist who won the award in 2018 for her groundbreaking research on protein folding. Her work has since led to advancements in understanding diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, earning her international recognition and numerous other accolades. Dr. Chen credits the Graduate Award for providing her with the resources and confidence needed to pursue her ambitious research goals.

Another inspiring winner is Dr. Raj Patel, a sociologist who received the award in 2020 for his research on urban poverty and social inequality. His work has been instrumental in shaping policies aimed at reducing poverty in major cities around the world. Dr. Patel has become a leading voice in his field, advocating for evidence-based approaches to social justice and equity.

Preparing Your Application

Applicants are encouraged to apply for awards after submitting their admissions application and receiving their University of Calgary student number (UCID). It is not necessary to meet the eligibility requirements at the time of application, but successful applicants must meet them when the award is paid.

Before submitting an application, ensure that the following steps are completed:

  1. Read the Terms of Reference: Understand the award terms listed on the GAC page or the donor website.
  2. Know Your Eligibility: Review the policies and regulations that determine award eligibility at the University of Calgary.

Application Steps and Requirements

The Graduate Award Competition opens on November 1. Applicants should navigate to the Student Centre, click on the “Apply for Awards” tab, and select the Graduate Award Competition Application. A single application suffices for multiple awards.

References: Admission references can be used if written within the eleven months prior to the February 1 deadline.

Transcript Requirements: Transcripts must be up-to-date, issued by the institution’s registrar, and scanned in high quality. They must include grading scales and be oriented correctly for easy reading.

Award Categories and Announcements

The GAC includes a range of awards funded by donors and the University of Calgary, with successful offers communicated via email and the MyUofC student portal. Students can typically hold one scholarship per year and are awarded the highest valued scholarship for which they are eligible.

  • Izaak Walton Killam Doctoral Scholarships: Results announced in March/April
  • Program Recommended Medicine: Results announced in May/June
  • Open Doctoral Awards: Results announced from May to October
  • Special Awards: Results announced from May to October
  • Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships: Results announced from September to December

Unsuccessful notices will not be sent, and applicants are advised to check the portal for updates.

In conclusion, the Graduate Award Competition 2024 at the University of Calgary is a testament to the power of education, research, and innovation. By recognizing and supporting the brightest minds of today, the competition is helping to shape a better, more informed, and more equitable future. The contributions of these young scholars will undoubtedly continue to drive progress and address the complex challenges facing our world. As we celebrate their achievements, we are reminded of the limitless potential that exists within the realm of graduate education.

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